Dorit Margreiter — Look at Language and/or Read Things

This commissioned work shows the sketch Anatomy of a Dwelling (1965) by Reyner Banham in collaboration with François Gallegret as visual material for Banham’s essay The Unhouse, a text about the connection between design, technology, and architecture. Specifically, it was about the design of an “anti-house,” a house that is defined exclusively by its functionality. The decision as to whether technology should be visible, whether it should be part of the aesthetic design or instead disappear in favor of another aesthetic solution applies in several respects to the Lakeside Park complex, on the one hand by virtue of the architectural design, and on the other because of the companies located there.

Dorit Margreiter (b. Austria, 1967) lives and works in Vienna and Los Angeles.

Permanent project, 2005–ongoing