Opening, October 22, 2014, 6.30 pm
Exhibition, October 23 – November 22, 2014
Oleksandr Burlaka, Zhanna Kadyrova, Ivan Melnychuk, Lada Nakonechna, Oleksiy Radynski, Mykola Ridnyi, Vova Vorotniov
The exhibition presents works by artists from Ukraine, who respond to the events unfolding in the country, study circumstances preceding the change, and envision the new society. The project constructs the narration with subjective perspectives and personal experiences, presenting first-hand views of Ukrainian events, and a variety of structural lenses these can be regarded through. These fragments deconstruct political content and reveal the eclecticism of conceptions behind news media storylines. But, focusing on disjointed parts and frames, they also recreate the state of informational overdose and everyday fixation on imagery experienced by Ukrainians throughout the recent events—as well as dropping hints for grasping the historical and political vicissitudes of the state breaking with its Soviet past and post-Soviet symptoms.
Curated by Lesya Prokopenko.